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Restaurant Association appeals for our industry to remain open for delivery at all Alert Levels

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Survey of members shows more than 50% support takeaway delivery at level 4

We have again been calling on the Government to make amendments to the trading restrictions on restaurant businesses in the event of a return to a level 4 alert.

At alert Level 4 back in March, a blanket ban was placed on our industry, meaning 98 per cent of our members had no ability to generate revenue.

We are now urging the government to continue to allow the operation of contactless delivery should we return to level 4.

Delivery options continue to be made available to other businesses such as online retail and supermarkets. Our industry has already proven it can operate a safe contactless service at level 3, so we see no reason why these couldn’t be extended to level 4.

An urgent survey of members conducted on Thursday 13th August, indicates that just over 50 per cent of members would be in support of the Government making this change for hospitality at Alert Level 4, should we have to return and 14 percent would need more information before making a final call .

We have seen unmitigated success with contactless food delivery, following the creation and introduction of Alert Level 3 operation guidelines. These guidelines set out how food and beverage businesses can implement safe contactless delivery programmes. It is our view that should we return to Alert Level 4, the Government removes the current Alert Level 4 restriction on contactless food delivery and takes steps to ensure it can continue.

We also continue to call on government to deliver the additional fiscal relief we’ve been asking for since we came out of level 3 in May.

Unfortunately we are anticipating more business closures as the end of the wage subsidy draws near, so we need the Government to step up and offer a continuation of the wage subsidy for our industry, which is desperately needed if this lock down period is to be extended.

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