
Hospo Start hospitality training programme

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Do you need work-ready staff who are keen to learn? Do you struggle finding them? A Hospo Start recruit could be for you!

The Restaurant Association is committed to assisting our members who are challenged to find people with the right skill set to enter our industry. In partnership with the Ministry of Social Development, our Hospo Start programme introduces students to the basics of hospitality. They graduate with a great attitude, basic skills and a desire for a career in hospitality.

It is widely recognised in the industry that there is currently a skill shortage of key hospitality staff. Through Hospo Start we are working on a long term solution. We train job-seekers over four weeks to ready them for work (or get them back into work) in hospitality, with an overall goal of employment upon completion. The training provided by the Restaurant Association is employer driven and has been created in consultation with the hospitality industry. Participants gain valuable insight into a career in hospitality and key skills for entering employment and further education in our industry. We designed this course to reflect the key skill set required for job seekers – it is practical and hands on learning.

What do they get?

An introduction to:

Customer service
Food safety training
Barista training
Food preparation
Beverage service
Licence Controller Qualification/Host Responsibility
Hospitality First aid certificate


What will we provide?

Targeted services:

A recruitment service
Matched candidates
Work ready graduates
Ongoing support
Frequent contact


Our learners graduate the programme having learned and experienced a variety of roles in the food and beverage and kitchen sectors. However our main focus of the programme is to graduate students who have the right attitude about working and the drive to learn, as well as basic hospitality skills.


“We all know how important it is to build and retain a strong team. When you, as a manager or employer, take a Hospo Start candidate on board and show them that you are committed to providing them with all the skills, tools and training they will need to succeed, they will, in turn, be committed to you. I have employed many young Hospo Start candidates who have been embraced by the Soul team and are now long term members of the team.

We all had to start somewhere which is the work ethic I drive into my team and they embrace the importance of training and supporting the Hospo Start programme. We need to give young people the same opportunities that were given to us.” 


Upon completion we actively help to recruit the graduates into employment and our programme will continue in the form of pastoral care and mentorship in the first 3 months of their employment.

Are you interested in talking with a Hospo Start graduate?

We currently have candidates looking for roles in Auckland

Call us today on 0800 737 827 to discuss or email hospostart@restaurantnz.co.nz


Would you like to apply to join the Hospo Start programme and start your career in hospitality?

In partnership with MSD we offer this free four-week training programme, to introduce eligible participants to the hospitality industry, and enter the workforce.

Please get in touch and the team can provide more information.

Call us today on 0800 737 827 to discuss or email hospostart@restaurantnz.co.nz

Thank you to our Hospo Start supporters. Helping Hospo Start, our trainees and the industry.

(click on the logo for more information on our supporters)

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