
Women in Hospitality insights

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This survey was conducted in September 2023.

The Restaurant Association is embarking on a journey to amplify and understand the stories of the women who shape our hospitality industry. We have collected a survey about women’s experiences. This will help shed light on the journeys taken, the triumphs celebrated, and the obstacles overcome.  We invite all women in hospitality to take part. This survey aims to cultivate a deeper understanding of the diverse range of experiences that women encounter within the industry.

Key findings:

  • 74% say they feel that their current work hours offer sufficient flexibility
  • 49% believe there are enough women in leadership positions in the industry (51% do not)
  • 68% say that there is not sufficient mentoring by women in the industry
  • 36% say they have experience barriers because of their gender


“In my position as a manager I haven’t experienced any of the above behaviours, and I must be very lucky not to have experienced them in my 30+ years in the industry, but I do know that there are others who have not been so fortunate.”

“I’m lucky to work for a female employer who values me and my family. I have great flexibility and feel extremely valued. I know this isn’t always the case and I feel women need more support here.”

“I personally haven’t experienced any barriers because I am a woman. however I have mainly worked for owners who are female so have had the opposite experience. have been celebrated and encourage to take space and to grow and develop. however many female friends in the industry I know have experienced Barriers because of their gender. lower pay and not being considered for leadership role or not taken seriously.”

Download the Women in Hospitality insights


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