
Online snapshot survey: Landlord negotiations – Clause 27.5, no access in an emergency

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The Restaurant Association sought member feedback on the impact of Covid-19 in a series of short surveys.

This survey was conducted on 8 July, 2020.

We have previously surveyed members for feedback on landlord relationships/negotiations. This survey provided some further information on arrangements in place at Level 1, as well as information on how many businesses are using the lease agreement with clause 27.5 (no access in an emergency).

Key findings:

  • At Level 1, only 36.84% of respondents had any rent relief arrangements in place.
  • At Level 1, 15% of respondents had rent deferral arrangements in place.
  • 44.68% of respondents have Clause 27.5 in their current lease agreement.

“It’s very vague and only really talks about what’s “fair”. I argued it wasn’t fair for me to not have any income but my landlord to still have half theirs (they offered a 50% reduction).”

Feedback on coronavirus 2020_snapshot survey_Clause27.5

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