
Online snapshot survey: School Holidays

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The Restaurant Association sought member feedback on the impact of Covid-19 in a series of short surveys.

This survey was conducted on 13th July, 2020.

There were high hopes for a strong trading period for the battling hospitality industry during the school holiday period as Kiwis spent time playing in their own backyards. This survey has shown signs of improved trading.

Key findings:

  • 64% say turnover is the same or better than last year, this is up from 42 per cent for the same period last month. 38 per cent of respondents traded better or significantly better than the same period last year.
  • One week in to level 1 just 21 per cent reported turnover of significantly less than the same period last year and this has now gone down to seven per cent.
  • However, 34 percent are now trading worse or significantly worse than the same period last year.
  • 41 per cent of businesses are recording 91-100 per cent foot traffic based on same period last year, indicating a lower spend per customer.
  • 42 per cent of businesses have had more domestic customers than usual at this time of year.

“Definitely noticed a lot more people coming down from the North Island. Given the population spread in NZ… I think you could almost argue the international tourists we had coming through the South has simply been replaced by people from up North hence why we are week after week having good trading and venues up north are reporting not as good.”

Feedback on coronavirus 2020_snapshot survey_SchoolHolidays

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