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The unique attributes that set New Zealand’s food apart

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The world is turning its gaze to New Zealand and we’re perceived as being unique, flavourful and genuine (both people and food).

New Zealand already has a well-deserved reputation for outstanding natural beauty but that’s only a small part of the story. Our nation is filled with the most passionate chefs, businesspeople, entrepreneurs, inventors and innovators in the food space whose stories are just as awe inspiring as our landscapes.

From the highest omega lamb in the world, to amazing seafood like cloudy bay clams and green-lipped mussels, combined with world-leading wines, New Zealand produces and exports food and beverages to all corners of the planet!



Join the discussions at this year’s hui – the annual food & hospitality gathering that brings together some of the best local and international speakers who will share their tools, stories, and ideas to educate and inspire! Find out more.

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