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Updating the remuneration thresholds for work visas

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work visa

The remuneration threshold values for Essential Skills and Skilled Migrant Category Visas are increasing on 26 November 2018, based on the increase of the median salary.

Remuneration thresholds were introduced in August 2017 as a way, in part, of determining the skill level of a person’s employment for immigration purposes. The thresholds are updated annually to reflect the NZ median wage. You can find more information here with a list of frequently asked questions here.

The new Skilled Migrant Category work visa threshold values are:

Threshold Value
Threshold for skilled employment in an occupation at ANZSCO 1-3 $25.00 per hour or above
(or the equivalent annual salary)
Threshold for skilled employment in an occupation at ANZSCO 4-5, or which is not included in ANZSCO $37.50 per hour or above
(or the equivalent annual salary)
Threshold to earn bonus points $50.00 per hour or above
(or the equivalent annual salary)

The new Essential Skills work visa category values are:

Threshold Value
Threshold for mid-skilled employment in an occupation at ANZSCO 1-3 $21.25 per hour or above
(or the equivalent annual salary)
Threshold for higher skilled employment in any occupation (including those at ANZSCO 4-5) $37.50 per hour or above
(or the equivalent annual salary)

The remuneration bands are calculated in the following way:

Skill band Calculation
Higher-skilled 150% of the median hourly earnings from wages and salaries
Mid-skilled 85% of the median hourly earnings from wages and salaries
Lower-skilled Minimum wage

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